All local bands are encouraged to apply to perform one of Go Listen Boise‘s Alive After Five local opener slots, and even the drummer gets some this year (and the drummer ain’t had none in a long time).
The deadline to enter is March 15. Tattoo it on your forehead.
It is our understanding from the Downtown Boise Association that percussion is welcomed, but must be in a simplified manner. Full kits not allowed, and while working out a backline with the touring band may be an option on a case by case basis, please don’t depend on it and do not attempt to contact the touring bands’ management to try to negotiate such an arrangement.
Due to stage size, the band size must be 5 members or less. We hate to place this restriction on bands with more than 5, and hope those that do exceed that number and want to submit are able to get creative and simplify in a way that still offers up a good representation of your band. It’s only a 30-minute set. Keep things simple and fun!
– Artists will be notified by April 1 for scheduling.
– Set-length must be 30 minutes beginning at 5:15 p.m. and ending promptly at 5:45 p.m.
– All musicians must be on-site and ready for soundcheck at 4:45 p.m.
– Opening band will be set on stage in front of headlining band.
– Each artist/band that plays will be required to man the Go Listen Boise booth the evening of their performance.
– We do ask that the bands be flexible with their stage plots and PA input requirements. We will be collecting an outline of stage plots to send along to Gigs Music, prior to the AA5 season kick off.
(Copy and paste the short form below into a Word document, “save as” with your band name, attach and email to golistenboise.aa5[at] – you must submit these items by 8 p.m. March 15.
Band Name:
Band Description/Bio: (please use a third person press-ready format for this … if you would like examples of bios, please contact us – we’ll help you with the format and craft your bios!)
Contact Name:
Booking Email:
Booking Phone Number:
Band Photo (please attach):
Preferred Month of AA5 Performance (June-Sept.)
Other Notes: