Jonathan Warren and the Billy Goats will perform live at The Record Exchange (1105 W. Idaho St., Downtown Boise) at 5:30 p.m. Friday, April 22. As always, this Record Exchange in-store performance is free and all ages.

The self-described “Progressive Psychobilly Folk Grass” band’s new album A Little Something Stronger Than Wine will be available at the in-store. Later that night, they’ll perform at a CD release party at Tom Grainey’s (10 p.m.).

In April of 2007, Jonathan Warren ( packed up his life and his guitar to move from Knoxville, Tennessee to the Northwest. He brought with him strong roots in traditional bluegrass and old-time music inherent in the Southern Appalachians. Warren teamed up with David Sather-Smith, a vocalist and classically trained cellist. Shortly afterwards, Idaho native Ty Clayton traded in his electric guitar for a mandolin to play with the Goats. Austin Clark brings a fresh energy on the violin, and Conner Madden, originally from New York, finalizes the band with percussion.

What is Progressive Psychobilly Folk Grass?
It’s a goat chewing on a can, it’s a cat scratching at your door, it’s foot stompin’ music that makes you want to eat a biscuit. Melodies you wake up humming in the morning, and stick to your bones like peach cobbler.
It’s new-timey, post-retro, pre-apocolyptic, southern Appalachian gypsy porch swing. It’s Jonathan Warren and the Billy Goats. Enjoy.

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